教育经历1998/09 – 2001/07,中科院北京高能物理研究所,博士 1993/09 – 1996/06,5357cc拉斯维加斯,物理系,硕士 1989/09 – 1993/06,苏州大学,物理系,学士 工作经历2012/01 – 现在,5357cc拉斯维加斯,物理系,教授 2003/09 – 2011/12,5357cc拉斯维加斯,物理系,副教授 1998/09 – 2003/08,5357cc拉斯维加斯,物理系,讲师 1996/07 – 1998/08,5357cc拉斯维加斯,物理系,助教 个人简介教学科研并重型教师。任职以来一直给本科生讲授电磁学和电动力学课程以及研究生的粒子物理和量子场论等课程。科研方面,多年来一直从事对QCD动力学演化方程的非线性修正相关的研究工作,近年来转向研究宇宙线粒子的高能碰撞过程,探讨在宇宙线能谱中的胶子凝聚效应。 社会兼职
研究方向1、粒子物理与场论 2、天体粒子物理 招生与培养开授课程本科生:电磁学、电动力学 研究生:量子场论、粒子物理 科研项目1、主持国家自然科学青年基金项目“LHC能区的部分子分布函数的探讨”10205004 (2003-2005年) 2、主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“未积分胶子分布函数的研究”10875044(2009-2011) 3、参与自然科学基金项目“基于DAMPE数据的高能宇宙线电子理论模型研究”11851303(2018-2020) 学术成果Some of the publications: 1、Wei Zhu, Peng Liu, Jianhong Ruan and Fan Wang Possible Evidence for the Gluon Condensation Effect in Cosmic Positron and Gamma-Ray Spectra The Astrophysical Journal, 889:127 (4pp), 2020 February 1 2、Peng Liu and Jianhong Ruan∗ A possible connection of the broken power-law between electron- and proton-spectra in cosmic rays International Journal of Modern Physics E Vol. 28, No. 9 (2019) 1950073 3、Yufang Hao,Jiayin Shen, and Jianhong Ruan* Understanding the electromagnetic 4-potential in thetetrad bundle PHYSICAL REVIEW A 98, 033809(2018) 4、Wei Zhu,Jiangshan Lanand Jianhong Ruan The gluon condensation in high energy cosmic rays International Journal of Modern Physics E Vol. 27, No. 9 (2018) 1850073 5、LeiFeng, Jianhong Ruan, Fan Wang, and Wei Zhu Looking for the Gluon Condensation Signature in ProtonsUsing the Earth-limb Gamma-Ray Spectra The Astrophysical Journal, 868:2 (4pp), 2018 6、Wei Zhu, Rong Wang and Jianhong Ruan Looking forquark saturation in proton and nuclei International Journal of ModernPhysics E, Vol. 26 (2017) 1750009 7、Wei Zhu, Zhenqi Shen, Jianhong Ruan Thechaotic effects in anonlinear QCD evolution equation Nuclear Physics B911(2016)1 8、Wei Zhu, Rong Wang and Jianhong Ruan Adetermination of flavor asymmetric sea quarks in the proton The EuropeanPhysical Journal Plus (2016) 131:6 9、WeiZhu, Jianhong Ruan, Nucleon Spin Structure International Journal of Modern Physics E, Vol. 24(2015)1550077 10、Lou Li-Yang, Ruan Jian-Hong*, A New Research about PionParton Distribution Function, Chin. Phys. Lett. Vol.32 (2015) 051201 11、XurongChen,Jianhong Ruan, Rong Wang, Pengming Zhang, Wei Zhu* Applications of a nonlinear evolution equation II: the EMC effect International Journal of Modern Physics E, Vol. 23(2014),1450058 12、Xurong Chen,Jianhong Ruan, Rong Wang, Pengming Zhang, Wei Zhu* Applications of anonlinear evolution equation I: the parton distributions in the proton, InternationalJournal of Modern Physics E, Vol. 23, 1450057-1-25,2014 13、Wei Zhu,Jianhong Ruan,Fengyao Hou, From EMC and cronin effects to signalsof quark gluon plasma International Journal of Modern Physics E, Vol. 22, 1350013, 2013 14、FANGJie and RUAN Jian-Hong Integrated and UnintegratedParton Distributions Commun. Theor. Phys. 56, 695,2011 15、JianhongRuan,WeiZhu Particlemultiplicities at LHC and deviations from limiting Fragmentation Phys.Rev.C81:055210-1-11 (2010) 16、Jianhong Ruan,WeiZhu Prediction forunintegrated parton distributions Phys.Rev.C80:045209 1-13 (2009) 17、Wei Zhu,Zhenqi Shen,Jianhong Ruan Can a chaoticsolution in the QCD evolution equation restrain high-energy collider physics? Chin.Phys.Lett.25:3605-3608 (2008) 18、J.H. Ruan, Z.Q. Shen,J.F. Yang and W. Zhu* Antisadowing effects in the unitarizedBFKL equation Nucl. Phys. B760, 128-144 (2007) 荣誉及奖励 |